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This is a Tate Gallery Resource pack that has been produced to accompany the Louise Bourgeois exhibition at Tate Modern,
London, 10 October 2007 – 20 January 2008. It contains a selection of images which highlight four emerging themes present in the exhibition, along with a selection of related discussion points, activities and links to other contemporary artists and art works.
Note. Ignore the activities (obviously) but it’s worthwhile looking at some of the points covered in the discussion topics.
The first theme deals with the relationship between Art and Everyday life. Strong references to her personal life and how certain incidents connect with her works posit this writing in the first instance in the Subjective Frame from the artists point of view. This also in part references the artists Practice and elements of the Cultural Frame.
The second theme deals with the ‘Artist as Mischief Maker‘. The writer attributes Bourgeois’s personal sense of humour as the key ingredient in her often outrageous and wry visual and verbal statements. In a sense this is a determining aspect of the artist’s practice and would sit comfortably in a Conceptual Framework reading where relationships can be drawn and inferred between the artwork, the artists intent, practice, audience readings and events that influence.
The third theme deals with Processes and Materials. This is pure artist practice and gives valuable insight into Bourgeois’s choice of materials and techniques used to manipulate and create.
The fourth theme relates to Stories and Symbols. This is reasonably situated in a Cultural Frame context and allows you to draw connections between primary, secondary and tertiary contexts. Although the writing is relatively brief for the scope of what can be dealt with here it is enough to give a good overview of the cultural influences that permeate some of her works and particularly the ones cited in the exhibition.
Again another Tate Gallery resource pack that deals with four of Bacon’s paintings. These all give valuable insight into Bacon’s thinking and acknowledged influences. Whilst they don’t explain the works and this is something that Bacon deliberately resisted, they demonstrate clearly the connection between influence, intent and the final work. If you are thinking of including Francis bacon as one of your case studies this is a good resource to work from.
Bacon had no formal training in painting, he was self taught and came to it only in his early ’20’s. He also had little formal education and spent most of his teen years drifting between London, Berlin and Paris after having run away from school, living off his allowance and odd jobs.
The Lost thing | Production notes
Nam June Paik Essay
Dadang Christanto | They give evidence
Jackson Pollock | Abstract Expressionism
Alexander Calder | Alexander Calder
Ken Unsworth | Artist commentary
Shirin Neshat | Artist commentary
Fiona Hall | Artist commentary
A Portfolio PDF containing interviews and video footage on the work of Shahzia Sikander can be downloaded here