The submitted Body of Work is essentially the culmination of a sustained exploration of practice in a chosen media area or ‘expressive form’

Assessment Task 1

HSC BOW Gallery

Mini Body of Work

The development of a Body of Work should in some way reflect an exploration of the work of other artists. By undertaking this exploration you are exposed to solutions posed by others in relation to the marrying of concept and physical form. i.e., the resolution of the concept into material existence. You are also exposed to material and aesthetic / stylistic sensibilities you might not have otherwise considered.

There are a number of ways to catalog your image collection. You could create a Tumblr for this purpose, however, the best way to manage this is to use Pinterest. This platform provides a great deal of flexibility in terms of categorization and the ability to search other collections.

Planning for your Body of Work usually begins in Term 1 and runs in conjunction with the development of a ‘mini body of work’ based on a journey through the urban environment to Cockatoo Island. This is designed to give you some experience in taking documented visual stimulus and creating a series of resolved images that reflect this experience as either / and / or / standalone images, narrative or mapping.

Documentation for this ‘mini BOW’ can be provided both graphically (drawn) and/or photographically. It is up to you to decide how to variously interpret this information.

Download the following to get some idea of how to respond to representing elements of this task.

Mapping as Art

Mapping and Island

Map as Mark-making

The works of John Wolseley are fine examples of responses to the environment and landscape.



A selection of Body of Work examples from previous years is available here


Cockatoo Island Mini Body of Work

The Concertina format for this project poses some unique problems and provides interesting opportunities in terms of resolving issues relating to media use and layout. Here are some examples for you to consider.

Sourced @ Pinterest.com


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